I didn't really have a plan for what I would say here in this blog portion of my site, and if I'm being perfectly honest, I still wouldn't say I have much of a plan. In fact, I'm still not totally sure on how to run a blog or what the word 'blog' intails...
However, I can be a rather talkative person and I have a lot of stories I enjoy sharing. Stories that can bring smiles and laughter to my friend's faces and stories that really serve no purpose other than to see if anyone else could relate to them. You see, this world can be a rather depressing place at times, full of stories about politics, destruction, and several things outside of our control. As we get older, its almost like we hyper focus on the negative stories in life because thats just "real life", but our lives are filled with so much more than just those things. There is more to this life than just the negative stories from the news and the gossip around us. In between these things are small moments of joy and laughter, and I want to share those moments with the world because the world deserves to have more joy in it.
So that's exactly what I'll be doing here, sharing my stories wether they be fun adventures, embarrassing moments, or perhaps just random thoughts/words of encouragement living rent free in my head.
In the end, they probably won't be the best things you've every read and you may not agree with everything that comes from my thoughts, but for those who wish to read them or perhaps even needs them, they will be here.